Pre-Sale Question

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Pre-Sale Question

Unread post by zalouma »


I am very interested to buy this service, however i am a little confused which is the right one i should be getting i see there is ASL and there is the security rules..

We are running cpanel and whmcs, we provide hosting and we were hijacked by few months ago by someone injecting a shell from localhost and been able to steal some accounts eventough we had csf and modsecurity... We are now running whmcs on a seperate cpanel vps only for our domain with whmcs on it with csf and mod security running...

I have two question before i buy, i would appreciate if i can have someone guide me to what is the best my business need to buy here.

1- In our case since we are running Whmcs, as you know they have so many vulnerable they are working on it, would ASL alone would be able to protect us from such threads? Also would ASL detect any php/shell or any malicious file that was uploaded by hackers and would block/delete it realtime? Do we need to buy the security rules for this ? or what would be our best option here??

2- My second and last question, do you provide installation and harden service for ASL ? like csf would install it and harden your cpanel for you with a fee, if this is possible what is the fee and what is needed from our part?

Thank you and looking forward to hear from you soon and cant wait to have ASL running and blocking attackers on our servers.
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Re: Pre-Sale Question

Unread post by mikeshinn »

Thanks for the questions:
1- In our case since we are running Whmcs, as you know they have so many vulnerable they are working on it, would ASL alone would be able to protect us from such threads?
Yes, ASL is more than adequate to protect you
Also would ASL detect any php/shell or any malicious file that was uploaded by hackers and would block/delete it realtime?
Yes, ASL will detect malicious applications, including PHP shells, and will block them in realtime.
Do we need to buy the security rules for this ? or what would be our best option here??
You do not need to buy the security rules if you have ASL, ASL comes with the real time rules.
2- My second and last question, do you provide installation and harden service for ASL ? like csf would install it and harden your cpanel for you with a fee, if this is possible what is the fee and what is needed from our part?
Yes we provide a free installation service. ASL will automatically harden your system as part of the installation process.
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