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RBL Alerts

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 7:04 am
by BerArt
Are there plans to make something like the service of DNSStuff:
RBLalerts notify you before your business is at risk
RBLalert service eliminates concerns over unanticipated IP blacklisting, downtime and chances of financial harm due to Email disruption. We offer a proactive monitoring service called RBLalerts that informs you about the status of your mail server IP. We query your IP against 130+ SPAM databases multiple times per day. You will receive an Email alert when you have been listed or delisted from a SPAM blacklist.
Of are you using other systems for this?

Wow you guys read our minds!

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 2:11 pm
by mikeshinn
Yes, in fact we are working on something just like that. Because of the RBL work we are doing, plus the reputation system - we need a way to let people know if they got on a list. So we starting thinking about monitoring multiple RBLs, etc.

Basically we were thinking you could register your domains and IPs and we would monitor that and send out an alert if you got on a list, and maybe work out some kind of auto-whitelist for your own boxes. That is to say, if you get on a RBL you at least dont shoot yourself in the mean time.

As this is just something I started whiteboarding a few weeks ago, and nothing is set in stone - let us know what would work best.