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Spamassassin 3 question

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 9:52 pm
I just upgraded my Plesk to 7.5.4


I got spamassassin 2.64-2.1.fc1.dag and the psa-spamassassin 7.5.4-fc1.build75050824.12 installed but I want to upgrade the spamassassin from 2.64 to 3 and still use the psa spamassissin support in the control panel so I wasn't too sure how I would upgrade it since it say it support 3.0 now and wanted to run it by here before I go try it.

So do I just do a yum remove spamassissin 2.64 then a yum install spamassissin 3 from atomic repo?

Thank you

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:00 pm
by Jason Lee

I'm running ARTs spamassassin-3.0.4-1 from the Atomic Testing channel on FC3 w/ Plesk 7.5.4 To upgrade to SA 3 you should just have to run:

yum upgrade spamassassin

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 6:57 am
I did a yum ugrade spamassassin and it upgraded it to 3 from ART repo

but it died or something so I went into Plesk admin control panel and tried to restart it then it just refuse to restart it so I ssh'ed in to see if spam assassin service was still running but it wasn't so I click on Plesk Spamassassin in service and it start up after clicking on it several time.

No idea why it doing this but I went to config RulesDuJour for spamassassin 3 and when it did a --lint it spill out this errors.

Lint output: config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: rewrite_subject 1
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: use_terse_report 0
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: auto_learn 1
config: SpamAssassin failed to parse line, skipping: subject_tag *****SPAM*****
lint: 4 issues detected.

So I am kinda at loss what the problem is or unless 3 is not supported by psa yet?


Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 4:32 am
I went back to spamassassin 2.63 and everything started working again.

I doubt there a spamassassin 3 support in 7.5.4 and if there is then it's broken.


Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 8:12 pm
by Jason Lee
Spamassassin 3 support is there and it does work (or atleast for me it does).

plesk won't regenerate the SA configs for each user though to conform with the changes made in SA3 (but if the values for those are changed it will use the new config settings.

For example my config now consists of:

Code: Select all

required_score  6
rewrite_header  subject *** SPAM (_SCORE_) ***
bayes_auto_learn 1

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 9:55 pm
psa-spamassassin goes down if it needed to be restarted with SA3 or a --lint was sent to SA3 to check the rulesets added to it by a script then it would just died unless I ssh in and restart it by hand.

Also the config settings in psa-spamassassin seem not have been changed to reflect to the SA3's config.

Why say 7.5.4 supports SA3 when it own psa-spamassassin have issues with it unless they meant to say SA3 is supported as long you don't use our psa-spamassassin then it would defeat the purpose of selling a front end web management control panel if I have to go in and config it for each mail box.


Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 10:33 am
by scott
Im just getting around to testing 7.5.4 now, but if this is doing what I think its doing, we might be able to just put a wrapper around the init script for SA to catch it when it does this.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 7:09 pm
by Jason Lee
CBiLLL wrote:Also the config settings in psa-spamassassin seem not have been changed to reflect to the SA3's config.
Plesk won't display any changes made manually to the SA config. You have to change the settings in Plesk for the changes to display in plesk. Instead of manually making the changes you can change the settings in plesk to something different and then reset them to what you originally had there and plesk will now be using the new SA 3 parameters.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 8:59 pm
Well that strange then because I removed all the traces of psa-spamassassin and uninstalled the package then uninstalled the spamassassin 2.63 then I installed SA3 and reinstall psa-spamassassin support.

After I went into the mailbox and configure the spam filter for an email it still use the old SA 2.63 parameters.

That is why I was puzzled when it says "Support SA3" and thinking they must have meant I have to go in and set it up manually for each mailbox that want spamassassin support since thier psa-spamassassin still seem to use the old 2.63 parameter when configuring mailbox spam filter.

I will have to try again and put the SA3 back then delete the old config and redo it to see if it update the config to support SA3 parameter.

Are you saying the new psa-spamassassin should have notice the SA3 installed and created a config based on it's parameter?



Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 9:10 pm
by Jason Lee
CBiLLL wrote:Are you saying the new psa-spamassassin should have notice the SA3 installed and created a config based on it's parameter?
Yes, I'm saying that psa-spamassassin should have recognised that SA3 was installed and regenerated all the configs to comply with the changes made in SA3