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My 2 cents re: v3

Posted: Fri Aug 05, 2011 6:32 am
by webfeatus
First of all, congratulations on the move in this direction.
It allows someone with a (very) basic understanding of server security to manage some things myself.
The wiki teaching is GREAT!
More on the way? Of course you will.
I love the way you guys TEACH
The excellent by-product of all this is less "silly" questions and complaints from people like me.

OK, the downside...
All the functions are not working for me - as expected.
Searching for rules and the ability to modify via GUI
And the GUI runs like a dog in both IE & FF for me.
Well, it is slow for me and I do not know why.
For example, previously the "update rules" fix button then returned a "sucess" in the dashboard. I canot see this currently.
Other annoying points (also mentioned in support tickets and in this forum)...
- Can't get the server stats re: load & mem to work.
- and, yes, search for a rule in the "rules configuration" = something wrong there.

The GUI is the way for us dweebs who could not navigate a linux terminal if our lives depended.
So keep up the good work!