Kernel Panic on Uninstall

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Kernel Panic on Uninstall

Unread post by thaMink »

Totally boned. I was trying to troubleshoot some ASL issues, when I decided to uninstall it and see if they went away. (the issues are less important now, given my current situation)

Anyways, I forgot that the asl uninstall requires a new kernel install and so I rebooted and then kernel panic.

I rebooted (server is a 1&1 server) to debian rescue, mounted the partitions and tried to reinstall the kernel but still panic. (couldn't mount filesystem /dev/root)

I ended up reinstalling ASL in rescue mode, which seemed to work (no errors during install) but the kernel didn't get installed. I manged to install the ASL kernel, but there were some complaints about ohci-hcd modules missing, but it installed, and the grub.conf got updated.

Still can't boot. Any ideas on how to proceed?

CentOS 5.11 kernel

Grub >

root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/ ro root=/dev/md1 console=tty0
initrd /boot/

fstab (pertinent line anyways)

/dev/md1 / ext3 defaults 11

Pertinent part of the kernel panic

Creating root device.
Mounting root filesystem.
mount: could not find filesystem '/dev/root/
Setting up other filesystems.
Setting up new root fs
setuproot: moving /dev failed: No such file or directory
no fstab.sys, mounting internal defaults
setuproot: error mounting /proc: No such file or directory
setuproot: error mounting /sys: No such file or directory
Switching to new root and running init.
unmounting old /dev
unmounting old /proc
unmounting old /sys
Screenshot of panic
Screenshot of panic
shott.jpg (114.56 KiB) Viewed 4067 times
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Re: Kernel Panic on Uninstall

Unread post by MehdiMoz »

Please Remember that always after an ASL successful installation imediately check the the /boot partition to make sure any Normal Centos Linux Kernels are existed or not
sometimes if has too much time past that the ASL Kernel Had been installed, the normal Centos Kernel Would be erased maybe because of lack of space that default /boot partition has or there meybe other reason

if the /boot partition didn't have any normal kernel run

Code: Select all

yum reinstall kernel
as root or even if there were kernel it is wise to run this command to make sure the kernel is downloaded and installed

I was in the same weird and tried Manny things but I couldn't get it fix and just an only safe solution was to reinstall the Centos operation system and every thing from scratch and restore the backups

for your current error you you could disable CONFIG_USB in your KErnel Config or apply the patch manually
and as you stated that you tried to install asl kernel in the rescue mode, try reinstallting the Centos Normal KErnel in rescue mode and after everything went all ine and booted correctly, try installting the asl kernel
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