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MariaDB sends full query to RDBMS through FederatedX

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2017 4:16 pm
by Petrovik1
Hello all,

We have MariaDB installed and using FederatedX to communicate with a COM component.
Currently when executing ex: select count(*) from tabel1 the COM receives select column1,column2,column3 from table1 and it's returning all rows.
After that the engine is responsible for doing the count function and showing the result.
My question is: How can we change the FederatedX engine to send the full query and not just a simple select?
This same applies if we do select * from table1 where column1=10, runs select column1,column2,column3 from table 1, without the "Where" clause.

Thank you all!

I'm editing this post because 'WHERE' clause is actually solvable by adding Indexes. Problem starts when I'm using Limit or Functions such as Count(*).