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Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 7:30 am
by scott
I was thinking that the next big GUI addition would be an interface down at the client/domain level that would just show alerts relevant to them. Just to keep everyone in the loop ( I think I'll start putting this in a developers blog or something) over the next week or so:

1) OSSEC 1.5 integration:
- Integrating its new features (asterisk support, client management, etc)
- Optimizing the whitelist/blacklist/geoblocking
- Optimizing the blocklist displays

2) Kernel update to
- Investigating SMP, and Cisco PIX bugs
- OpenVZ / Virtuozzo support

Ive started a rough wiki page here: ... e_Schedule

Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 8:46 pm
by mikeshinn
I'd also like to add a widget graph on my biz website like "ASL Protected" with some graph of all the bad stuff blocked might be good advertisement for both you and me. This wishing stuff is easy!
Thats a great idea, I just added it to the features list.
I like this, I added the ART logo in my Plesk headers already Smile maybe you can use the system of (HackerSafe) if you are 100% hackerSafe you get this in your logo, if there is a vulnerability is shows to
That sounds like a good idea as well. I imagine we could make it optional what you want to show, ASL Protected vs. 100% Secure or something depending on what you want to expose.

Love the ideas!

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 3:32 am
by BerArt
I imagine we could make it optional what you want to show, ASL Protected vs. 100% Secure or something depending on what you want to expose.
Exactly :) maybe you can also add the PCI compliance in the Logo ;) if ASL is 100% is does not mean you meet PCI?, If I read the PCI rules on ScanAlert you also need a Hardware Firewall with IPS and you system needs to be scanned every day. I do not know the rules about DNS but I think they want you to run it externally, so this should be checked as well. The logo should be generated from the ASL software so that it becomes impossible for a none ASL users to copy the logo and use it incorrectly. To implement this system there also should be an audit for the rules, this would be hand work so this cost time. Example: the Trace vulnerability in Apache 2 on CentOS4. It is not possible to shut this of so ASL reports a vulnerability however ASL has also a fix so you’re a safe. Then you should be able to remove the vulnerability so ASL will be 100% again.

Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 10:18 am
by exi1ed0ne
Ive started a rough wiki page
Thanks Scott! I know keeping us informed is more work for you, but it is appreciated.