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please advise on IP move using

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:13 am
by modom46

I will be moving to a "new server" with a fresh install of Plesk 8 and CentOS 4.2. We will be keeping the same IP's from the "old server". I need to know if this is the right way to do this:

1. migrate all accounts from "old server" to "new server" listed on one temporary new IP only on the "new server". The old IP's are not to be added to the new server yet.

2. once the accounts are all migrated run the script on the "new server" and generate the mapfile.txt file.

3. open the mapfile.txt file on the "new server" and change the IP's for the domains to the IP's listed on the new server.

4. run the script again.

5. reboot

Please advise if this is correct and if not, what am I missing? I will be moving from the path /home/httpd/vhosts to /var/www/vhosts.

Is there an easier way?

Thank you!

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 9:24 am
by Highland
Plesk 8 should do all your remapping for you and update the paths in config files. I just did a migration from PSA 7.5.4 to PSA 8.0.1 and it worked quite smoothly.