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What PHP version should I have from Yum?! (And other help!).

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2005 7:09 am
by Bernie Steakouse

During a "yum update" it seems something went "wonky" with my PHP install, all of a sudden people had errors relating to GD with image uploads etc. on my main website.

I had (at this stage) 4.3.11 I believe.

I tried automatically using Yum update, to no avail, so I removed PHP and re-installed PHP, but although this is a temporary fix, I'm now on php 4.2.2 and during the process my PSA (7.0.4) seemed to get busted too!

I'd really like some advice on where to go from here.

I'm on redhat 9 and it's psa 7.0.4 (or was).

Any help much appreciated, I can't lose any data as my site isn't properly backed up, but if I need to restart with Yum (or something) then I'm willing to work on it just to get all up to date.

Thanks in advance!