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Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 7:50 am
by TomStage
Hi All

I have found a small error in the w3af package, which is easy to fix if any other runs into it.

If you find an error in the output from running w3af_console in script mode about the plugins/discovery/oHmap/known.servers/ having a syntax error, it is becurse it has been written on a dos / windows machine, and have not been converted to a unix format, so the fix is:

Code: Select all

[root@[MASKED] ~]# dos2unix /usr/share/w3af/plugins/discovery/oHmap/known.servers/
dos2unix: converting file /usr/share/w3af/plugins/discovery/oHmap/known.servers/ to UNIX format ...
[root@[MASKED] ~]#
If u dont have dos2unix installed type the following:

Code: Select all

[root@[MASKED] ~]# yum install dos2unix -y
Cheers Tom