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php-eaccelarator PHP 5.3.15 and 5.4.5

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 7:15 am
by breun
The php-eaccelerator package is still at 5.3.14 which causes yum to suggest installing a full 32-bit PHP stack when attempting to upgrade to PHP 5.3.15 with php-eaccelerator installed on a 64-bit server.

Re: PHP 5.3.15 and 5.4.5

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 9:42 am
by mikeshinn
php-eaccelerator has been retired, please use apc.

Re: PHP 5.3.15 and 5.4.5

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 10:54 am
by breun
So php-eaccelerator won't be built for 5.3.15? If so, maybe it would be a good idea to add a conflicts or obsoletes statement for php-eaccelerator to the PHP spec file?

We've had some bad experiences (segmentation faults) with Atomic PHP packages and APC in the past, but I guess we'll have to try again if eAccelerator is now retired.

Re: PHP 5.3.15 and 5.4.5

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 11:08 am
by breun
Hm, I see php-eaccelerator for PHP 5.3.15 has just been added to Atomic.

Re: php-eaccelarator PHP 5.3.15 and 5.4.5

Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2012 11:45 am
by mikeshinn
eaccelarator has not been updated since 2010. There is no quarantee it will continue to work correctly, or will work at all with newer versions of PHP. So even if there is a build, we still dont recommend you rely on it.

Its is retired, the project hasnt released an update in over two years, so we suggest you use an actively maintained opcache tool instead, such as apc or other maintained opcache tools. If there were to be a bug in eaccelarator, or a security vulnerability its extremely unlikely it would be patched.