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[atomic] PHP 5.3.17

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 5:22 pm
by scott
Original changelog:


* Core
Fixed bug (segfault while build with zts and GOTO vm-kind)
Fixed bug #62955 (Only one directive is loaded from "Per Directory Values" Windows registry)
Fixed bug #62763 (register_shutdown_function and extending class)
Fixed bug #62744 (dangling pointers made by zend_disable_class)
Fixed bug #62716 (munmap() is called with the incorrect length)
Fixed bug ##62460 (php binaries installed as binary.dSYM)

Fixed bug #62839 (curl_copy_handle segfault with CURLOPT_FILE)

* DateTime
Fixed bug #62852 (Unserialize invalid DateTime causes crash)

* Intl
Fix null pointer dereferences in some classes of ext/intl

* MySQLnd
Fixed bug #62885 (mysqli_poll - Segmentation fault)

Fixed bug #62685 (Wrong return datatype in PDO::inTransaction())

* Session
Fixed bug (segfault due to retval is not initialized)

Fixed bug #62904 (Crash when cloning an object which inherits SplFixedArray)

* Enchant
Fixed bug #62838 (enchant_dict_quick_check() destroys zval, but fails to initialize it)