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PHP 5.5 GA

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 10:02 am
by Highland
It's not on the PHP site yet but, right on schedule, they tagged 5.5.0 on Github this morning

I would anticipate that 5.3.27 (in RC1) will mark EOL for 5.3

Things of note:
The mysql extensions are now depreciated (this one apparently got fairly heated over the timing, not the action). mysqli is the new standard and most everything uses it now.

An interesting note here is that Zend Optimizer (remember that beast?) is now part of 5.5 so no more separate library mess. Indications are this could replace the (bug laden) APC as the de-facto opcode cache

Re: PHP 5.5 GA

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:25 pm
by scott
Very cool, in addition to the Nucleus repo, we're going to be adding another one, called Quantum for all the leading technologies. This will definitely be in there.