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HOWTO: Downgrade PHP 5.4 to 5.3

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:32 pm
by scott
Note: PHP 5.4 is part of our free unsupported software repository. PHP 5.4 is not supported. This information is provided as a courtesy and does not imply that we provide support for PHP 5.4. All software in the atomic respository is unsupported. If you require support, please use software from the nucleus repository and do not install PHP 5.4.

Version 0.2

The assumption is you already have the atomic repo installed. If you do not, you are not using our unsupported PHP 5.4 rpms. This guide will not help you.

Step 1)

Become root, run this command:

su -

When prompted, enter your root password.

Note: Do not use sudo to run these commands.

Step 2) Set up the Nucleus repo.

Run this command as root:

yum install nucleus-release

Note: You will need to purchase a license to the nucleus repo. Please see the product page for details:

Step 3) Exclude php packages from the atomic repo

Use your favorite Linux file editor to edit this file:


And exclude php updates from the atomic channel, by adding this line:


To the end of the [atomic] section. Here is an example (DO NOT REPLACE YOUR FILE WITH THIS EXAMPLE):

name = CentOS / Red Hat Enterprise Linux $releasever -
mirrorlist = ... -$basearch
enabled = 1
priority = 1
protect = 0
gpgkey = file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/
gpgcheck = 1

So in the example above, you would add this line to the end of the [atomic] section:


Step 4) Downgrade to PHP 5.3.

Run this command as root:

yum downgrade $(rpm -qa --queryformat="%{name} \n" |grep ^php)

If you require assistance performing a downgrade from our free unsupported PHP 5.4 packages to our supported Nucleus 5.3 rpms, we would be happy to help you. Please contact support and we will put together a professional services quote to assist you further.