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Kernel Protection disabled [help]

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 9:01 am
by imadsani

I was having trouble with a fresh server so just nuked it and started from scratch. Just got done installing ASL but in the panel it says Kernel Protection: Disabled
Any clues?

this is the result of asl -s -f

Code: Select all

Starting Atomic Secured Linux scan, please be patient... 

Checking Kernel security settings
  ASL kernel: detected                                     [OK]
  KERNEXEC protections: detected                           [OK]
  UDEREF protections: detected                             [OK]
  Runtime module loading: disabled                         [OK]
  GRsecurity administrative password: not set              [INFO]
  GRsecurity ACL database: not found                       [INFO]
  Executable anonymous mapping: no                         [OK]
  Executable bss: no                                       [OK]
  Executable data: no                                      [OK]
  Executable heap: no                                      [OK]
  Executable stack: no                                     [OK]
  Executable anonymous mapping (mprotect): no              [OK]
  Executable bss  (mprotect): no                           [OK]
  Executable data  (mprotect): no                          [OK]
  Executable heap  (mprotect): no                          [OK]
  Executable shared library bss (mprotect): no             [OK]
  Executable shared library data (mprotect): no            [OK]
  Executable stack (mprotect): no                          [OK]
  Anonymous mapping randomisation test: no                 [OK]
  Heap randomisation test (ET_EXEC): no                    [OK]
  Heap randomisation test (ET_DYN): no                     [OK]
  Main executable randomisation (ET_EXEC): no              [OK]
  Shared library randomisation test: no                    [OK]
  Stack randomisation test (SEGMEXEC): no                  [OK]
  Stack randomisation test (PAGEEXEC): no                  [OK]
  Executable shared library bss: no                        [OK]
  Executable shared library data: no                       [OK]
  Writable text segments: no                               [OK]

  Kernel Enforced Security Policies
  Trusted Path Execution(TPE): enforced                    [OK]
    TPE Mode: Unless Deny, Allow                           [INFO]
  Disable Privileged I/O: enforced                         [OK]
  Audit mount() events: not enforced                       [INFO]
  Audit chdir() events: not enforced                       [INFO]
  Audit ptrace() events: enforced                          [OK]
  Audit text relocation events: not enforced               [INFO]
  Restrict chroot() capabilities: enforced                 [OK]
  Chroot restrictions, deny chmod(): enforced              [OK]
  Chroot restrictions, deny chroot(): enforced             [OK]
  Chroot restrictions, deny fchdir(): enforced             [OK]
  Chroot restrictions, deny mknod(): enforced              [OK]
  Chroot restrictions, deny mount(): enforced              [OK]
  Chroot restrictions, deny pivot(): enforced              [OK]
  Chroot restrictions, deny external shmem access: enforced[OK]
  Chroot restrictions, deny sysctl: enforced               [OK]
  Chroot restrictions, deny unix domain sockets: enforced  [OK]
  Chroot restrictions, set cwd to chroot dir: enforced     [OK]
  Chroot restrictions, process controls: enforced          [OK]
  Restrict dmesg: enforced                                 [OK]
  Enhanced FIFO restrictions: enforced                     [OK]
  Fork() failure logging: enforced                         [OK]
  Harden ptrace(): not enforced                            [MODERATE]
  Network Stack, IP Blackhole policy: enforced             [OK]
  Linking Restrictions: enforced                           [OK]
  Resource Logging: enforced                               [OK]
  RWX map Logging: enforced                                [OK]
  Signal Logging: enforced                                 [OK]
  Timechange Logging: enforced                             [OK]

Checking General security settings
  Checking for unnecessary services
    Service FreeWnn: disabled                              [OK]
    Service annacron: disabled                             [OK]
    Service apmd: disabled                                 [OK]
    Service autofs: disabled                               [OK]
    Service avahi-daemon: disabled                         [OK]
    Service avahi-dnsconfd: disabled                       [OK]
    Service bluetooth: disabled                            [OK]
    Service canna: disabled                                [OK]
    Service cups: disabled                                 [OK]
    Service cups-config-daemon: disabled                   [OK]
    Service gpm: disabled                                  [OK]
    Service haldaemon: disabled                            [OK]
    Service hidd: disabled                                 [OK]
    Service hplip: disabled                                [OK]
    Service iiim: disabled                                 [OK]
    Service isdn: disabled                                 [OK]
    Service kdump: disabled                                [OK]
    Service mDNSResponder: disabled                        [OK]
    Service mcstrans: disabled                             [OK]
    Service nfs: disabled                                  [OK]
    Service nfslock: disabled                              [OK]
    Service nifd: disabled                                 [OK]
    Service pcscd: disabled                                [OK]
    Service portmap: disabled                              [OK]
    Service rpcidmapd: disabled                            [OK]
    Service sbadm: disabled                                [OK]
    Service xfs: disabled                                  [OK]
    Service X11: disabled                                  [OK]

Checking for End of Life (EOL) operating systems
    centos/6: Supported                                    [OK]
Checking for POSIX ACL support: detected                   [OK]

Checking for updater: yum detected                         [OK]
Checking for updates: 9 found                              [CRITICAL]

Checking for Superuser accounts (UID0)

Checking for Suspicious cron jobs

Checking for non-secure services 
  Telnet: not detected                                     [OK]
  Rlogin: not detected                                     [OK]
  Rsh: not detected                                        [OK]

Checking system logging
  Rsyslogd: detected                                       [OK]
  Rsyslog imklog module: detected                          [OK]
/usr/bin/md5sum: /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/class.Session.php: No such file or directory

Checking General Plesk settings
  Plesk SQL Injection vulnerability SA26741: not detected  [OK]
  Plesk SQL Injection vulnerability CVE-2011-4734: not dete[OK] 
  Horde Turba Vulnerability CVE-2008-0807: not detected    [OK]
  Horde Vulnerability SA28382: not detected                [OK]
  Horde Turba Vulnerability SA28382: not detected          [OK]
  Horde Mnemo Vulnerability SA28382: not detected          [OK]
  Horde Kronolith Vulnerability SA28382: not detected      [OK]
  Horde Vulnerability CVE-2007-6018: not detected          [OK]
  Horde Vulnerability CVE-2008-1284: not detected          [OK]
  Horde Kronolith Vulnerabilty BugtraqID 28898: not detecte[OK]
  Proftp Vulnerability SA33842: not detected               [OK]
  Proftp Vulnerability SA42052: not detected               [OK]
  Verify SSLv2 disabled in Plesk Daemon: verified          [OK]
  Verify TLS enabled in proftp: enabled                    [OK]
  Verify ClamAV enabled in proftp: enabled                 [OK]
  Set proftp scoreboard to default: yes                    [OK]
  Checking for weak SMTP_AUTH passwords: 0 found           [OK]
  Verify expose_php set to off: enforced                   [OK]

Checking mod_security settings
  Checking for mod_security installation: installed        [OK]
  mod_security set to: enabled                             [OK]
  Server signature set to: Apache                          [OK]
  SecUploadDir set to: /var/asl/data/suspicious            [OK]
  SecUploadKeepFiles set to: off                           [OK]
  Logfile set to: audit_log                                [OK]
  Logging set to: Concurrent                               [OK]
  Audit Logging to: /var/asl/data/audit                    [OK]
  Logging elements set to: ABIFHZ                          [OK]
  SecRequestBodyInMemoryLimit set to: 131072               [OK]
  SecRequestBodyLimit set to: 134217728                    [OK]
  SecResponseBodyLimitAction set to: ProcessPartial        [OK]
  SecDataDir set to: /var/asl/data/msa                     [OK]
  SecTmpDir set to: /tmp                                   [OK]

  Checking rule class settings  
    RBL Ruleset: off                                       [LOW]
    Bogus Search Engine Ruleset: off                       [HIGH]
    Autowhitelist Search Engine Ruleset: off               [LOW]
    Antievasion Ruleset: on                                [OK]
    Strict Multiform Ruleset: off                          [MODERATE]
    Whitelist Ruleset: off                                 [OK]
    Advanced Antievasion Ruleset: off                      [HIGH]
    Slow Denial of Service Protection: on                  [OK]
    Exclude Ruleset: on                                    [OK]
    Anti-Malware Ruleset: on                               [OK]
    Application Specific Rules: off                        [LOW]
    Generic Attack Ruleset: on                             [OK]
    Advanced Attack Ruleset: on                            [OK]
    Data Loss Protection Ruleset: off                      [MODERATE]
    Brute Force Protection Ruleset: on                     [OK]
    Malicious Useragents Ruleset: on                       [OK]
    Anti-Spam Ruleset: on                                  [OK]
    Anti-Spam URI RBL Ruleset: off                         [LOW]
    Rootkit Detection Ruleset: on                          [OK]
    Reconnaissance Attacks Ruleset: on                     [OK]
    Data Leak Prevention Ruleset: on                       [OK]
    Advanced Malware Removal Ruleset: off                  [MODERATE]
    Just In Time Patches: on                               [OK]
    Basic Malware Removal Ruleset: on                      [OK]
    Malicious Output Detector: on                          [OK]
    Web Malware Upload Scanner: on                         [OK]

  Checking for disabled rules
tortixd: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName

Checking php settings
  Checking for php installation: installed                 [OK]
  php set to: warn only                                    [CRITICAL]
  Disable URL fopen: not enforced                          [HIGH]
  Disable URL include: not enforced                        [HIGH]
  Disable expose_php: enforced                             [OK]
  Disable display_errors: not enforced                     [MODERATE]

Checking for High-Risk functions
  Function curl_exec: enabled                              [HIGH]
  Function curl_multi_exec: enabled                        [HIGH]
  Function dl: enabled                                     [HIGH]
  Function exec: enabled                                   [HIGH]
  Function fsockopen: enabled                              [HIGH]
  Function passthru: enabled                               [HIGH]
  Function pcntl_exec: enabled                             [HIGH]
  Function pfsockopen: enabled                             [HIGH]
  Function popen: enabled                                  [HIGH]
  Function posix_kill: enabled                             [HIGH]
  Function posix_mkfifo: enabled                           [HIGH]
  Function posix_setuid: enabled                           [HIGH]
  Function proc_close: enabled                             [HIGH]
  Function proc_open: enabled                              [HIGH]
  Function proc_terminate: enabled                         [HIGH]
  Function shell_exec: enabled                             [HIGH]
  Function system: enabled                                 [HIGH]

Checking for Moderate-Risk functions
  Function ftp_exec: enabled                               [MODERATE]
  Function leak: enabled                                   [MODERATE]
  Function posix_setpgid: enabled                          [MODERATE]
  Function posix_setsid: enabled                           [MODERATE]
  Function proc_get_status: enabled                        [MODERATE]
  Function proc_nice: enabled                              [MODERATE]
  Function show_source: enabled                            [MODERATE]

Checking for Low-Risk functions
  Function escapeshellcmd: enabled                         [LOW]
  Function phpinfo: allowed                                [LOW]

 Checking executable stack flag on PHP extensions
  /usr/lib64/php/modules/ :       [OK]

Checking ossec-hids settings
  Checking for ossec-hids installation: installed          [OK]
  ossec-hids set to: enabled                               [OK]
  OSSEC is configured in server mode. 
    Checking for server installation: installed            [OK]
    Enable email notification: enabled                     [OK]
    Notifications to address:         [OK]
    Notifications from address:[OK]
    SMTP server:                                 [OK]
    Max email per hour setting: 1                          [OK]
    Active Response: enabled                               [OK]
    Active Response timeout: 600                           [OK]

    Verifying OSSEC whitelists
      checking:                               [OK]
      checking:                                  [OK]
    Excessive whitelists not detected: 2                   [OK]

    Checking for monitored log files 
      /var/log/messages: monitored                         [OK]
      /var/log/secure: monitored                           [OK]
      /var/log/maillog: monitored                          [OK]
      /usr/local/psa/var/log/maillog: monitored            [OK]
      /var/log/httpd/access_log: monitored                 [OK]
      /usr/local/psa/admin/logs/httpsd_access_log: monitore[OK]
      /var/log/httpd/audit_log: monitored                  [OK]
      /var/log/tortixd/audit_log: monitored                [OK]
      /var/log/psa-horde/psa-horde.log: monitored          [OK]
      /var/log/httpd/error_log: monitored                  [OK]
      /var/log/httpd/suexec_log: monitored                 [OK]
      /var/log/mysqld.log: monitored                       [OK]

Reloading ossec-hids:                                      [  OK  ]

Checking rkhunter settings
  Checking for rkhunter installation: installed            [OK]
  rkhunter set to: enabled                                 [OK]
  Notifications sent to:              [OK]
  SSH root login check: enabled                            [OK]
  Detected Plesk Environment
    ftp_psa : enabled                                      [OK]
    poppassd_psa : enabled                                 [OK]

Checking ssh settings
  Enforce Protocol Version 2: enforced                     [OK]
  Strict modes enabled: enforced                           [OK]
  Ignore .rhosts: enforced                                 [OK]
  Enforce Public Key authentication for users: enforced    [OK]
  Checking Admin users
    Valid Admin users detected: no                         [HIGH]
    WARNING: SSH authentication will not be reconfigured at this time.

  Disable Root Logins: no                                  [HIGH]
  Disable Password Authentication: no                      [HIGH]
  Enable Privilege separation: enabled                     [OK]
  Disallow GSSAPIAuthentication: enforced                  [OK]
  Disallow GSSAPICleanupCredentials: enforced              [OK]
  SSH Banner: /etc/asl/banner                              [OK]
  Enable UseDNS: enforced                                  [OK]
Stopping sshd:                                             [  OK  ]
Starting sshd:                                             [  OK  ]

Checking httpd settings
  Verify HTTP TRACE disabled: verified                     [OK]
  Verify SSLv2 disabled: verified                          [OK]

Checking mod_evasive settings
  Checking for mod_evasive installation: installed         [OK]
  mod_evasive set to: enabled                              [OK]
  DOSHashTableSize set to: 4096                            [OK]
  DOSPageCount set to: 5                                   [OK]
  DOSSiteCount set to: 200                                 [OK]
  DOSPageInterval set to: 2                                [OK]
  DOSSiteInterval set to: 2                                [OK]
  DOSBlockingPeriod set to: 25                             [OK]
      checking:                               [OK]
      checking:                                  [OK]

Checking Mysql security settings
  mysql security policy set to: enforced                   [OK]
  Mysql Local LOAD DATA: disabled                          [OK]
  Mysql Log Errors: enabled                                [OK]
  Mysql Log authentication failures: enabled               [OK]
  Mysql symbolic links : disabled                          [OK]
  Mysql query caching: enabled                             [OK]

Restarting clamav, this could take a moment... 

Checking clamav settings
  Checking for clamav installation: installed              [OK]
  ClamAV set to: enabled                                   [OK]
  Clamd listen address:                          [OK]
  Clamd log to syslog: yes                                 [OK]

  Clamav is in: application-only mode

Stopping Clam AntiVirus Daemon:                            [  OK  ]
Starting Clam AntiVirus Daemon:                            [  OK  ]

Checking psmon settings
  Checking for psmon installation: installed               [OK]
  psmon set to: enabled                                    [OK]
  Notifications to:                   [OK]
  From line set to:         [OK]

Checking System services monitored by psmon
  clamd: monitored                                         [OK]
  crond: monitored                                         [OK]
  mysqld: monitored                                        [OK]
  spamassassin: monitored                                  [OK]
  sshd: monitored                                          [OK]
  xinetd: monitored                                        [OK]
  tortixd: monitored                                       [OK]
  memcached: monitored                                     [OK]
  ossec-dbd: monitored                                     [OK]
Stopping psmon:                                            [  OK  ]
Starting psmon:                                            [  OK  ]

Generating Report: Complete

Re: Kernel Protection disabled [help]

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 12:04 pm
by scott
Timing maybe, the scan report (-s) is what generates that. Maybe you got in between a scan and a reboot.