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[atomic] sysdig 0.1.82

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 11:25 am
by scott
Sysdig is open source, system-level exploration: capture system state and activity from a running Linux instance, then save, filter and analyze.
Think of it as strace + tcpdump + lsof + awesome sauce.
With a little Lua cherry on top.

Release Notes:
Sysdig is compatible with ASL, and currently available for el6 and above. After installation you will need to reboot the system in order to load the sysdig kernel module.

A single post does not do this tool justice. Here are a few basic configs to get you started!

Show top I/O files for httpd:
sysdig -c topfiles_time

Show process execution time system wide:
sysdig -c proc_exec_time

Show top server ports:
sysdig -c topports_server

Show every file opened under a web domain:
sysdig evt.type=open and contains /var/www/vhosts/domainname/httpdocs/

Show files exchanged between apache and IP
sysdig -A -c echo_fds and fd.sip=

Show what the user id testuser is doing:
sysdig -c spy_users username=testuser

To install:

yum install sysdig