Page 1 of 1 ends with error for typo3 applications

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 7:51 am
by optimanet

i am using modsecurity with atomicorp WAF ruleset.
also, i define a rule as follows:
SecRule FILES_TMPNAMES "@inspectFile /path/to/" "phase:2,t:none,id:351000,rev:1,severity:2,msg:' Upload Malware Scanner: Malicious File upload attempt detected and blocked',log,deny,auditlog,status:403" is checking file uploads agains clamAV antivirus database and works fine, so far.
but for TYPO3 this rule ends with an error as follows, if an article is safed:

error in init.php: path to TYPO3 main dir could not be resolved correctly.
this happens if the last 6 characters of this path,... /path/to/ (end of $temp_path), is NOT "typo3/" for some reason.

does anybody know, how this could be fixed?
