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SSL.conf is being Overwritten

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 10:44 am
by spencer4hire999
It seems that whenever ASL runs a update on our system it updates the configs, in this case our SSL.conf and then spawns daemon restarts.

When it updates our SSL.conf it breaks our phone system which relies on the cert because the cert then become too secure and dos not allow our phone system to operate properly.

How can we stop ASL from overwriting our SSL config? Please help.

Also I am very new to ASL and Linux in general so forgive me for any ignorance.

Re: SSL.conf is being Overwritten

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 4:00 pm
by scott
Do you know specifically what it is your PBX needs? Perhaps weaker SSL protocol settings?

You can control that from ASL-Web->ASL Configuration->Apache Security

SSL Protocol, defaults to TLS only. If your PBX only supports SSLv3, set this to: TLS+SSLv3 (please note, this does introduce the POODLE vulnerability, and you'll get a popup warning). I suspect this is what you need


SSL ciphersuite, defaults to "strong". Setting this to "medium" uses a much lower classification ciphersuite. You may not need to use this setting