Functionality similar to LVE Manager (CloudLinux)

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Functionality similar to LVE Manager (CloudLinux)

Post by copernic2006 »

I am interested in the functionality of LVE Manager (CloudLinux) but I do not want to install CloudLinux to still benefit the protections offered by the ASL kernel.
Is ASL provides integrate for similar functionality to LVE?
Is there any applications that can limit resources for each user?

Thank you in advance for your response
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Re: Functionality similar to LVE Manager (CloudLinux)

Post by scott »

Absolutely, there is a native system in the linux kernel since 2.6.32 called CGROUPS. It allows you to apply resource management on a per-user level through a kernel API. Theres even an apache module for it:
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Re: Functionality similar to LVE Manager (CloudLinux)

Post by copernic2006 »

Sorry for the delay (some problems with mysql)
Thank you for your response, I visited the link and to be honest, I did not understand very well how to install and configure (I'm not comfortable with this type of configuration)
I wished to find a program with a graphical configuration (such as CloudLinux or betterlinux)
We had some problems with some of our customers in terms of resource use, it is therefore urgent for us to find solutions to limitations of resources by users (For information, we use cPanel)

Again, thank you Scott.
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Re: Functionality similar to LVE Manager (CloudLinux)

Post by scott »

Shoot, I had done some rpms up for this but those arent going to be an option on cpanel.

If you want I can try to guide you through setting this up, its not something we have a good environment to test so yours could make a really good test platform.

Are you comfortable compiling this yourself? I'll try and help guide you through it as best I can
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Re: Functionality similar to LVE Manager (CloudLinux)

Post by copernic2006 »

Hello Scott,
Thank you very much you for your availability
I did not answer quickly because I ordered a server (for testing) and just send me the access.
I'll just check and install ASL on this server (which will be a test)
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Re: Functionality similar to LVE Manager (CloudLinux)

Post by scott »

No problem, we're busy here too!

More info on CGROUPS, in redhat/centos 7 the whole init sytem is replaced by systemd, this uses Cgroups natively. So theres a lot of momentum around this across the OS. Im still researching just how far the tools around this go, but it seems pretty extensive.
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Re: Functionality similar to LVE Manager (CloudLinux)

Post by chrismfz »

scott wrote:No problem, we're busy here too!

More info on CGROUPS, in redhat/centos 7 the whole init sytem is replaced by systemd, this uses Cgroups natively. So theres a lot of momentum around this across the OS. Im still researching just how far the tools around this go, but it seems pretty extensive.

I know that this thread is old but still relative enough,

using cPanel, on Centos 7.0 is it possible to throttle cpu/ram/io
with cgroups and ASL like Cloudlinux and LVE manager does ?

Do you plan / thinking to do something like LVE with stats/graphs for ASL ?

I like cloudlinux, but they have no panel, a management console, firewall or antispam filters by default, WAF, or anything and right now
I use it with another 10 tools like CSF firewall, cxs exploit scanner, ASSP, and tools like that to do really the job that ASL does by ...itself.

So I was thinking to switch to ASL but LVE is really a drawback. Especially when you have to explain with charts / graphs to users that they consume RAM/CPU because of x,y,z script.
(I admit they have done very good job with the WHM/cpanel lve and cpu usage plugins, easy and eye-candy for both users and admins)
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Re: Functionality similar to LVE Manager (CloudLinux)

Post by chrismfz »

Anyone, please? Still wondering :D
chrismfz wrote:
scott wrote:No problem, we're busy here too!

More info on CGROUPS, in redhat/centos 7 the whole init sytem is replaced by systemd, this uses Cgroups natively. So theres a lot of momentum around this across the OS. Im still researching just how far the tools around this go, but it seems pretty extensive.

I know that this thread is old but still relative enough,

using cPanel, on Centos 7.0 is it possible to throttle cpu/ram/io
with cgroups and ASL like Cloudlinux and LVE manager does ?

Do you plan / thinking to do something like LVE with stats/graphs for ASL ?

I like cloudlinux, but they have no panel, a management console, firewall or antispam filters by default, WAF, or anything and right now
I use it with another 10 tools like CSF firewall, cxs exploit scanner, ASSP, and tools like that to do really the job that ASL does by ...itself.

So I was thinking to switch to ASL but LVE is really a drawback. Especially when you have to explain with charts / graphs to users that they consume RAM/CPU because of x,y,z script.
(I admit they have done very good job with the WHM/cpanel lve and cpu usage plugins, easy and eye-candy for both users and admins)
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